Real People, Real Needs.

Our Member Care Ministry seeks to minister to families and individuals in our church who are in need of care due to challenging or difficult circumstances. We are firm in our belief that Christ-centered, Bible-based pastoral care can bring encouragement, healing, hope and a fresh perspective to an otherwise difficult situation.

Real people
Finding real hope
In the real world
Real people
Finding real hope
In the real world
Real people
Finding real hope
In the real world
Real people
Finding real hope
In the real world
Welcome teamWelcome team

Shepherding the flock of God.

The elders and pastors of The Brook fully embrace the call to “shepherd the flock of God” (1 Peter 5:1) and do so with great joy. We are a growing church family. Growth often brings challenges.

In order to shepherd well, the pastoral leadership team has implemented an intentional, multi-faceted strategy for member care.

Staff Pastor on call.

If a need arises outside of office hours and you need to get in contact with a pastor, simply call the church office at (281) 376-0275, leave a voice message, and the staff pastor on call will follow up to see how we can serve.

Elder-led member care.

We have taken the membership list of the church and grouped people together by last names. These groups have been assigned to an elder or pastor for member care. The heart behind this is to make sure that every member is well cared for and no one “falls through the cracks.”